Sorbet Terrine with Blackberry Sauce

This sorbet recipe is elegant and delicious and is a great finale for a full course dinner or heavy entree. This make ahead recipe is perfect for entertaining and is a sweet ending to any meal.

Sorbet Terrine
1 Pint raspberry sorbet
1 Pint mango sorbet
1 Pint lemon sorbet
1 Pint vanilla ice cream
1 Pint blackberry Cabernet sorbet
2 Pints fresh blackberries
1 or 2 Tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon lemon zest

Line a loaf pan with several sheets of plastic wrap. Place the raspberry sorbet in a bowl and stir to soften. Once soft enough to spread, use a rubber spatula to spread in pan. Place back in the freezer for 10 minutes and repeat with remaining sorbets and ice cream in order of the list of ingredients. Cover tightly with more plastic wrap and freeze for 2 hours or up to 5 days.

Make blackberry sauce
Rinse blackberries and set aside a 1/2 pint for plating.  Blend the remaining of Blackberrys in a food processor. Pour mixture into a mesh strainer over a saucepan. Using the back of a kitchen spoon, press to strain out seeds leaving only blackberry purée in the sauce pan. Add add a tablespoon of sugar (taste to add more if too tart), and a teaspoon of lemon zest. Heat through and set aside. Can be made one day ahead.

10 minutes before serving, remove from freezer to slightly defrost. Invert terrine onto a cutting board and use a large knife to cut 1 inch slices. Spoon blackberry sauce on the sorbet slice and top with a few extra blackberries.

Serves 12

Cooks Note: Chill your dessert plates ahead of time for serving. Your guests will be so impressed!


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