Cranberry Pepper Jelly and Goat Cheese Crustinis

Pepper jelly is a staple for most Texas pantries. Folks here serve if over cream cheese with crackers and along with queso and chips, you can count on it being served at just about any Texas get together. I love the taste but wanted to take it up a notch. I was and was able to find a recipe for cranberry pepper jelly that was super easy to make and decided to "foodie" it up by putting a dollop of it on a goat cheese crustini.

This is an ideal small bite for a holiday party or open house. The jelly recipe makes 3 8 ounce jars of jelly and keeps in the fridge for 3 weeks.

Cranberry Pepper Jelly and Goat Cheese Crustinis

1 Small baguette cut into 1/4 inch rounds
5.5 Ounces of goat cheese, softened
Kosher Salt
Olive oil
Cranberry Pepper Jelly (see link below)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place baguette rounds on a cookie sheet and brush with a scant amount of olive oil. Bake for 5-10 minutes until crisp and allow to cool completely. these can be made several hours ahead; simply store them in a zip lock until ready to serve. Assemble the crustini by putting 1/2 tablespoon of goat cheese on each crustini, then top with a quarter teaspoon of jelly. Finish with a sprinkle of kosher salt. Serve immediately.

Makes 20-25 pieces

Cooks Note: The jelly also makes a super cute hostess gift.


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